Hypertension is another thing people need to look for. It doesn't seem like it would do much but have a high blood pressure, but it does a lot other then putting you pressure up.
I had Hypertension, luckily I don't have it anymore, although to begin with it was hard to know that I had it. I have a naturally a higher heart rate and because of that it's a little more dangerous because it puts it higher.
There isn't really a lot to say about Hypertension it's self, it's high blood pressure that the symptoms don't show for years. It can cause heart attacks and strokes if not looked after. But the good thing is, it's easy to control and look after (with the help of meds) once found.
With my blood being so high and my naturally high heart rate anyway things happened a bit quicker for me. I was put onto medication to try and help with the control. My body temperature ran quit high (I get cold a lot quicker now lol) and it would be hard for me to do high impact exercise because of how hard my heart had to work. It also was very dangerous when I was admitted to hospital with DKA, it would be working so hard it would feel like it was trying to drum out of my chest.
It was scary, but things got sorted and now it's nearly back to normal, I don't think it will ever go back to normal but at least it's not life threatening.
You need to look after your ticker. Keeping healthy and keeping your bloods under control can help that.
Sorry it's a really short one this week, but hope it's still helpful.
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