Sunday, 16 August 2015

Getting Metal.

Getting piercings can be fun and cool looking, but you have to be careful on so many things when getting them and we diabetics have to be doubly careful.

 Getting my first piercing was a real hassle, I was in primary and I really wanted to get my ears pierced, Ma held out for as long as she deemed fit and then for my 10th birthday I had my ears pierced at our local hair dressers.
 It took a long time for Ma to get the letter from the Doctors to say I was okay to get them done, we had to go through a lot of hoops to get that letter, but it was so totally worth it and I was so happy.
 But when I started to get really ill my ears would get infected, I developed a really bad reaction to anything but silver, it was a real pain and .. well .. painful too. You see, not having control over your sugars can send everything thing else spinning, including piercing. That why I contemplated taking them out and getting them done again at a later date, which I never did.
  So when I wanted to get my lip pierced, Ma made me a deal (which she thought I'd either fail at or not go through with) and said if I could keep my bloods in control for a whole year she would pay for it to be done for my 16th. I worked hard for it and I still have it pierced. Ma was not happy that day, but a deals a deal.
It was hard to go through it all and not being able to lay on your side because your ears are to painful isn't worth all the hassle when they can stay lovely when your bloods are all in control, My lip (knock on wood) has never been infected and that's because I've worked hard to keep everything on the level. It was hard work at the start and I had to clean it several times a day for a long time while I was trying to get everything in control. It was hard work and even though I wanted more, I waited until I was more stable.
 You have to remember that a piercing is still an open wound all prettied up and you have to take care of it, so when you can't control your bloods, how can you take care of it properly? Why go through all the pain, hassle and money to get it done and then have to take it out just because you couldn't be bothered to look after yourself. You can cause real damage that way.

 So when your thinking about getting some metal. not only do you have to think about what your getting and what type, there is also the place your getting it at, because if they don't have the right certificates, it doesn't matter how careful you are, infection could be the last of your problems. Always do your research and always make sure your healthy enough.

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