Medic Alerts are wonderful things to have for all kinds of problems. But being diabetic we defiantly need something along those lines.
There are several different companies and several different formats you can get medic alerts from. It can take awhile to find the one that is best for you, it can also get expensive while finding this out but the great thing is now a days there is a great variety out there that when I was younger i never had.
I first started with a necklace, it was a nice silver one with one of the saints on the front, you could unscrew the front and there was a folded up piece of paper with my details on, but it broke at school one day and the teacher being nice offered to fix it for me, I never got it back.
Then I moved on to bracelets, I had this lovely silver on with the inscription on the back of a flat silver plate with the medic alert symbol on the front but that soon went so I moved onto a kind of sports Velcro bracelet that had a small silver plate with the symbol on that you could flip over and it had my information inscribed on the back, I still have that one, I went through several different colours of that type but I still have my black one.
I finally got to the point where I felt I didn't need one, all the people that I hung around with, my family and teachers knew I was diabetic so why should I need one. Which is a stupid outlook because just because someone knows you have diabetes doesn't mean they know how to help if something goes wrong, like wise if something did happen you might not be with people that do know what is wrong and can help (there was this one time when it was bad and I was on my own and people just thought I was on a bad high). It pays to be cautious.
Medic alerts may seem stupid or not very fashionable but they are there for a reason, to help you. I got around my problem of not liking them, because at the time I didn't like the look of any of them and the one or two I did happen to like where so ridiculously expensive it was stupid. So for my very first tattoo I got a medic alert. Now I'm not saying that's for everyone and not always a great solution to finding the right one, but it worked for me. It will always be with me, in plain sight and I can never forget it or loose it.
They seem like such a small thing but they can help in a big way, if you don't have one, please have a serious look into getting one, you can find several nice ones for a good price and what's a bit of money when it could one day save your life. You can't hope for the best for every situation.
I can't help but think if I had carried one with me for most of my teens that maybe in one or two situation I would of got the help I needed (they the before mentioned bad trip). I wouldn't have got so bad, because when you do get to those stages you can't help yourself.
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